
Strategic Podcast & Content Tips

"I pulled too hard on its tail. Now, it's in pieces..."

Published about 2 years ago • 2 min read

Do you ever struggle to get an idea out of your head, Reader?

You can see it clearly in your mind -- just like the reruns of The Office where Jim & Pam kiss for the first time. (I love that episode!)

The idea is right there.

You just can't quite pull it out of your mind.

Or, if you can, the idea falls out in pieces that don't make sense.

(Isn't it the worst when you're staring at a brain dump of ideas that are confusing? "What the heck did a horse carriage have to do with any of this...?")

Has that ever happened to you, Reader?

You stare at a Google Doc of nonsense telling yourself, "Seriously, this doesn't make sense. Why am I wasting my time?"

If that's been you, I have good news...

There are fun AND unique ways to pull those ideas out of your head by the tail -- so you make them make sense!

Here are my favorite ways of trapping good content ideas when they come to me:

  1. Old school pen and paper.
    Whether it's a notebook, post-it, notecard, or an old napkin, most of my ideas originate in the analog world. (All those years of writing and passing notes in class paid off!)
  2. Voice typing.
    This was life-changing when I discovered that I could turn on a little dictation button and start speaking my ideas. You can try several tools out there for this, but my favorite ones are Google Docs "Voice Typing" setting, Word, and Otter.Ai.
  3. Spreadsheets.
    I know, spreadsheets aren't sexy. But sometimes, I think in lists -- not complete sentences. So I find that a Google Sheet works really well when I have an idea that's in list or bullet point form.
  4. Asana
    My favorite tool out there is Asana, my project management tool, because I can download my thoughts in lists, bullet points, calendar format, "notecard" style cards, etc., and then switch how I view them. If you don't have a tool like this, I HIGHLY recommend Asana.
    If your ideas aren't flowing when you're trying to brainstorm, try:
    - Taking a walk outside
    - Binge listening to your favorite podcast
    - Watch an episode of your favorite show
    - Work on another creative project
    - Turn on "Focus" music and light a candle
    - Come back when you feel the creative spark

By the way...
I have all of these apps I mentioned here on my phone.

If an idea hits me, I can grab it by the tail and get it out of my head -- which often happens when I go on a walk or while I'm folding laundry listening to a podcast.

The point is to try multiple ways to get those amazing ideas out of your head because there are people out there that need the message you have to share.

To Grabbing Ideas By the Tail,



This week's podcast guest, Angie Trueblood, brought so much value to the show! Not only is she one of my favorite returning guests, but she's become a dear friend of mine through our mutual love of podcasting.

Listen to our chat about "How Podcast Guesting Impacts Your Business" here or watch this short clip where we talked specifically about auditing your podcast guest appearances and content.

"In 4 years, how have we never covered an elevator pitch!?!" This week's episode on the podcast is all about creating a content elevator pitch. We talk about what it is and why yours may not be working.

I'm even giving away a PDF lesson from my digital program, Proffitt Podcasting, for you to craft your own elevator pitch. Listen here.

Some of the most requested videos I get are about podcast editing. This week's video about how I would edit my show in Audacity today is quickly becoming a must-see video. Check it out here.

Repurposing content has been a hot-button topic lately! Watch this clip to learn how I think about reusing my podcast content to YouTube and vice versa.

Strategic Podcast & Content Tips

with Krystal Proffitt

Yes, Proffitt is my real last name. And content marketing is my love language. That's why I help creators (like you!) start, launch, and market your content with confidence. Drop your email below for my weekly strategy tips for podcasters, YouTubers, and digital creators!

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